Stallion by Wilmat App Tour - Owners

Select the Owner button to access the Owner data on the phone app.

Owner List

The Owner List is a list of owners in owner name sequence.

Add: Select Add to create a new owner entry.

Active: Select Active to display a list of active owners.

Inactive: Select Inactive to display a list of inactive owners.

Owner Name: Select an Owner Name to display details of the selected Owner.

Search: Use the search bar at the top of the list to locate a specific owner.

Owner Details

Selecting an owner from the Owner List will display the owner details screen.

Edit: Select Edit to change details of the selected owner.

Notes: Select Notes to create notes for the selected owner.

Horses: Select Horses to display a list of horses owned by the selected owner.

Owner Edit

Owner details, other than the owner code, can be changed or added as required. Owners created in the phone app can be deleted providing that the owner is not included in any ownership entries or has any notes.

Owner Horses

The Owner Horses display will display a list of horses owned by the selected owner and the ownership commencement date.

Selecting a Horse from the Owner Horses display will display the ownership details for the selected Owner/Horse.

Owner Ownership Details

The details of the Owner/Horse ownership display will include the date of the ownership entry and the account balances as they where when the app data was imported from the Stallion database.