Stallion by Wilmat App Tour - Charges

Select the Charges button to add, change or delete charges.

The Charges screen will display a list of charges that have been entered into the Phone App and have not yet been exported from the phone. Once the charges have been exported they will appear in the transaction history for the horse.

Select Add Charge to create a new charge entry or select an existing charge to change or delete the selected charge.

Charge Entry

Press the Select Horse button to display a list of active Horses

Press the Select Charge button to display a list of active Charge Codes.

Enter the Charge Date in the dd/mm/yyyy format. Complete the remaining fields and press the Save button to save the charge.

Once the Charge has been saved the Horse Code and Name fields are cleared. Press Select Horse to create a new charge using the same values as the previous entry.

Press Clear to clear all fields to create a new charge transaction.

If an existing charge entry is selected, the charge can be deleted by pressing the Delete button and and confirming the delete action.

Select Horse

Select the required horse and press the Select button.

Select Charge

Select the required Charge Code and press the Select button.